Exam Details

How long is the exam for?

The exam typically consists of (2 * 30 min) sessions held over platforms such as Zoom.


What does the exam test?

Conducted by a Senior Consultant, candidates are accessed on a broad range of topics in general surgery, including theoretical knowledge and clinical application. 

How is the clinical knowledge accessed?

Practical assessments such as Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) or clinical case discussions evaluate candidates’ ability to diagnose, manage, and treat surgical conditions.

How many times can you attempt exams?

You can attempt the exam a maximum of 2 times in your lifetime.


Membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists exam assesses the psychiatric knowledge, clinical skills, and competency of doctors pursuing a career in psychiatry

FRCS ortho

Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons in Orthopedics exam assesses the specialized orthopaedic surgical knowledge, skills, and competency of surgeons


Fellowship of the European Board of Surgery exam recognizes the proficiency and expertise of surgeons in various surgical specialities within Europe


Membership of the Royal College of Physicians exam assesses the medical knowledge, clinical skills, and competency of doctors in their early medical training


Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons exam assesses the surgical knowledge, skills, and competency of doctors in their early surgical training


Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board exam assesses the knowledge and skills of international medical graduates seeking to practice medicine in the UK