Exam Details & Pattern

What are the documents required to apply for FRCS?

The documents required include proof of qualifications, curriculum vitae (CV), evidence of training, medical registration, ID proof, and other supporting documents.

Where can I find the application form?

Visit the JCIE website (www.jcie.org.uk)

What is the maximum number of years within which you need to complete the FRCS exam?

It takes a maximum of 7 years to complete the examination process 

How many times can you attempt Section 1 and Section 2 exams?

Section 1:  Maximum of 4 attempts (2 years)

Section 2:  Maximum of 4 attempts with no re-entry

What is the pattern for the Section 1 exam for JCIE and JSCFE?
  • Paper 1: 120 Single Best Answer (2 hours 15 mins)  
  • Paper 2: 120 Single Best Answer (2 hours 15 mins)
What is the pattern for the Section 2 exam ( JCIE )?

There are 2 parts to it: Clinical examination and Oral/viva examination

Clinical examination

  • General Surgery Clinical – 2 Short Cases (20 mins) + 1 Long case (20mins)
  • Special Interest Clinical –  2 Short Cases (20 mins) + 1 Long case (20mins)

Oral/viva examinations: (30 mins each)

  • Emergency Surgery/Trauma/Critical Care 
  • General Surgery Principles and Clinical Practice
  • Special Interest Surgery – Clinical Practice 
  • Special Interest Surgery – Basic Principles x15 min and Academic Foundation x 15 min (Candidates will be given 30 minutes to read one generic paper relevant to the wider field of General Surgery)
What is the pattern for the Section 2 exam ( JSCFE)?

There are 2 parts to it: Clinical examination and Oral/viva examination

Clinical examination

  • Two short case sessions (4 cases in each session) –  30 mins each
  •  History taking/  examination and planning of surgical care/relevant pathology/ investigations and operative surgery

Oral/Viva examinations

  • Emergency Surgery Oral (30 minutes) 
  • General Surgery Oral (30 minutes)  
  • Trauma and Critical Care (30 minutes) 


Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons exam assesses the surgical knowledge, skills, and competency of doctors in their early surgical training

FRCS ortho

Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons in Orthopedics exam assesses the specialized orthopaedic surgical knowledge, skills, and competency of surgeons


Membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists exam assesses the psychiatric knowledge, clinical skills, and competency of doctors pursuing a career in psychiatry


Fellowship of the European Board of Surgery exam recognizes the proficiency and expertise of surgeons in various surgical specialities within Europe


Membership of the Royal College of Physicians exam assesses the medical knowledge, clinical skills, and competency of doctors in their early medical training


Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board exam assesses the knowledge and skills of international medical graduates seeking to practice medicine in the UK